Thursday 14 June 2012

Car Installations and Repair

Things are becoming expensive day by day and so are the car accessory installments and their repair. Services are becoming costlier to customize our car, so it is time we do it ourselves as it is an easy task.

Car alarm repair:

Car alarms can get annoying at times when it keeps going off accidently when a passerby touches or just walks by it. Blaring auto alarms need repair since they cause a lot of parking scenarios.
All you need to do is to find out what your alarm is particularly triggered by. Generally in most of the cars they are triggered by a small vibration explaining why they go off when a passerby just happens to touch the car. So all you need to do is to recalibrate the vibration trigger to be less sensitive.

Car amplifier installation:

Amplifier helps us boost the stock audio output provided by car stereo and transport them to different channels. Amplifier is a must add-on if one is fond of music, but then who is not.
Amplifier installation is not that hard a process. The following things are required before you start the process: An amplifier (assuming that your car already has a stereo) , a 2m hard insulated copper wire, inline fuse holder, a set of RCA cables,  some speaker wires and wire connectors.

1.  Switch off the car to turn the power off,

2.  Open the bonnet and disconnect the battery connector from the negative terminal.

3.  Attach a hard copper wire having an inline fuse connected to the negative terminal connector.

4.  Take the other end of this wire and slide it through the opening to the car’s cockpit.

5.  Run this wire through the carpet, to underneath the front passenger seat, where the amplifier will be placed. Remember that the amplifier is placed between the speakers and the head unit i.e the stereo.  

6.  This wire is then connected to the ‘GROUND’ input marked on the amplifier. Similarly the wire needs to be connected to the positive terminal of the battery, brought inside to the ‘B+’ input marked on the Amplifier.

7.  Now take a thin blue wire called the remote wire, connect one side to the blue color remote wire with the back of the car stereo and the other side to the ‘REMOTE’ input marked on the amplifier.

8.  The wires from the speakers need to be connected to the amplifier and to the SPEAKER output connectors marked positive and negative.

9.  For the input of the amplifier you need to run 2 RCA wires from the RCA output behind the car stereo to the RCA input in the car amplifier and adjust the frequency settings in the amplifier as desired.
The setup is now complete. Next connect the Battery wires back to its terminals, close the bonnet, turn on the car and switch on the car stereo.  The amplifier should be working and giving you a better, louder and crisper sound.

Car sub-woofer installation:

Requirements :Minimum 4 channel installed amplifier , a sub woofer and a pair of thin insulated copper wires.

1.  Turn off the car and open the boot. Place the sub woofer inside the boot and connect one side of the insulated copper wire to the sub woofer.

2.  Run this wire to the amplifier and connect the other end to the speaker output bridged connection marked positive and negative on the amplifier. Turn on your car security system and test Sub frequencies.

You can buy your san francisco car alarm installation and car accessories from Site offers all above instrument san mateo car navigator installation services in all cities located in state of California, USA including San Francisco, Pacifica, Millbrae, Foster City etc

Thursday 7 June 2012

Car accessory installations

There are several accessories for cars in the market. Customizing cars have become a trend today. For some it is to add a personal touch to their car and for others just a show-off. The installation of these accessories comes out to be quite expensive so here are a few self to do car accessory installations listed below:


Opening a car lock or door has become just too easy for anyone. It is possible by just using a normal ruler. This has led to an increase in a lot of car thefts. So it has become important to install alarms in cars for their safety and security.
Car alarm installation is a very mazy and complicated process which requires specific knowledge about working with wires. The accessories you require are sirens, LEDs, door opening protection, adjustable shock sensors, and output for parking flash lights, tilt sensors, air horns, door sensors, trunk, hood and door pins, and starter disable relays. For installation: Firstly, choose a suitable place where you can place your alarm, dash light, siren, reset switch. Then collect materials like solder gun, test light, knife, double sided mounting tape and voltmeter. Now read the installation manual carefully which comes with the alarm. The important things to be careful about are LED positioning, placement of the alarm module and the wiring. If these three are done correctly your alarm will function properly.


If the car stereo installation professionals charge you a good deal of money then let me tell you that you can do this job all by yourself. It is not as difficult a task as it seems to be. All you need is wire cutters, wire stripper, electrical tape, screw wire set and a new car stereo.
Once you have these you are ready to install your stereo.
Firstly remove the old stereo and disconnect the ground cable from the battery. Now connect the positive and negative terminal of the battery to the positive and negative terminal of the new stereo respectively. The negative wire should be attached to the metal and should be screwed in the dashboard near the radio. Cabling strap has a connector attached to it and all the wires should be connected to it. Now you can attach the negative cable back to the battery and fix your new stereo.


Car audio is an important accessory in the car and car security system for an enjoyable ride since most of the people are fond of music. Installation of the car speakers is not a tough job; all you need is a little knowledge and common sense. First of all you need to decide as to where the speakers will be placed. The distance of both the speakers should be at an equal distance from the centre for good quality of voice. Choosing a location for woofers and amplifiers is comparatively easy. Wiring is another important part of the installation; you need to buy a correct cable according to the capacity of the amplifier and speakers. A final fine tuning which can be done with the help of the professionals and your installation is done.

You can buy your car accessories and Car Stereo installation Santa Clara from Site offers all above instrument car alarm installation Colma services in all cities located in state of California, USA including San Francisco, Pacifica, Millbrae, Foster City etc

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Installing a Car Alarm System in Simple Easy To Do Steps

Installing the alarm system in your car is a complex process, especially if you have never done it before. Nevertheless, considering that a number of alarm systems these days come with easy to install options as well as a detailed installation guide, you can undertake the installation on your own easily. However, if you are not used to handling tools, do not take a chance with your expensive car and choose an efficient San Francisco car alarm install center to have the alarm system installed. For car music system, you can choose a South San Francisco car stereo installation center. Here are easy steps that can help you with car alarm installation. iPod car installation and Burlingame car navigator system can also be installed with ease.

Understand your car and assimilate required tools

To begin with, understand the way your car has been built. The easiest way is to obtain diagrams of the car’s layout so that you can check out the wiring system. This is important because every car comes with slightly different wiring system. Although the user manual is useful, to have a precise idea about the wiring of your car is helpful. Secondly, get the required tools. Screwdrivers, cutting pliers, screws and a drill are adequate.  This is common for installation of Burlingame car navigator and iPod car installation.

Mounting the siren

For mounting the siren, find the mounting area, which is usually below the hood of your car or in the inner fender. You will have to undo the panels covering it in order to place the siren out of sight. The siren should not be close to heat sources such as heater cores, radiators and exhausts. Maintain a distance of at least one and a half feet between the heat source and exhaust. The speaker of the siren should face downwards in order to protect it from water damage. The surface behind the chosen spot should not contain wiring because you need to drill screws into it which might cause damage to the wiring. The siren can be mounted with nuts, bolts and screws.

Fix the wiring

The next step is to drill into the rubber firewall so that the wire of the siren can be passed through the hole to the back seat. The power line of the alarm system should be close to the battery. A fuse wire needs to be attached. Using screws, nuts and bolts, the control module should be mounted under the steering column below the dashboard.

Fix the LED display

You can drill into the dashboard to fix the LED screen. The wiring will also pass through the hole to connect the screen. A mounting tape can be used to secure the LED indicator.

Secure indicators

Identify the wires that are connected to door lighting and power locking system. A sensor should be connected to these wires. All input and output wires should be attached to the alarm module.


You will find a lot of wire in the car. Just bundle them and secure them under the dashboard. Finally, connect the power input wire to the car battery and south san francisco car stereo.

South San Francisco car stereo and San Francisco car alarm install centers can be helpful in installing car accessories. A good store to buy your car accessories is You can purchase high quality accessories such as Burlingame car navigator and iPod car installation kit from the store.

Friday 11 May 2012

Car Audio Installation - DIY or Professional Help

If you own a car or planning to buy one, then two things you have keep in mind are; car alarm system and car audio installation. With these two in place, issues of in car entertainment and security of the car are both addressed. In case of new cars available now, both these car audio system and car alarm system come as standard accessories and are factory installed. In San Francisco car alarm installation professionals do a wonderful job of installing these systems if you wish other company products and not the inbuilt ones.

Car Audio System

In case of low end and old cars, what you get is only a car radio. If you want to enjoy good music, then you have to go for retrofitting of an audio system of your choice. You can install the system yourself or if not well conversant with the job, you can employ the services of a car audio installation professional.

If you plan to install the system yourself, the advantages are many. You can save on time and the cost of installation. You also get the satisfaction of doing a technical job all by yourself. You can also learn plenty of information about wiring job which comes in handy in future if there is any problem with the system.

If you are doing the installation all by yourself, then you have to take few precautions. While handling the tools, you must be careful not to damage the expensive system. The slot provided for fixing the earlier radio may or may not suit the new system and if it is not matching, then you have to either file the slot to the exact size required or if the slot is bigger, provide gasket or some other type of filler to have a snug fit.

Another problem commonly encountered in car audio installation is identifying the correct wiring, but it may not pose much of a problem in some models, as these cars come with sockets and plugs which fit in only in one direction, thus eliminating the risk of wrong connection of wires. In case you are not keen on doing the job yourself, you can search for professionals who can match the experience and expertise similar to Burlingame car stereo installers.

As far speaker installation is concerned, if the shape and size of the new speakers do not match with the existing speakers, then additional work in the form of reshaping the speaker slot is required.

If you do not want to undergo all these exercises and if you are residing in or near Burlingame then you can entrust the job to Burlingame car stereo installers.

Car Alarm Installation

With increased instances of car theft it is wise to install a car alarm system. Luxury and high end cars have this installed as original equipment. Here also, you can either do it yourself or assign the job to experts. If you are a resident of San Francisco, you can hand over the installation work to pacifica car audio installation professionals.

If you are a music lover and want to enjoy good music then go for a good car audio installation done on your car. In Burlingame car stereo is installed by experts who have many years of service in the field. Equally important for your vehicle is a car alarm system which protects your car in case of attempted theft. If you happen to be in San Francisco car alarm installation can be entrusted to professionals who will do a neat job. All car accessories can be found in

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Car Navigation Systems – Making the Choice between Stores Bought Model and Professionally Installed One

Most of the cars these days come with built-in car audio and navigation systems. So, it is often confusing as to whether to keep the same system or have the car equipped with a professionally installed one. Both kinds of systems have their benefits. This confusion arises with every accessory in the car, be it the car alarm installation or installation of high power audio systems. Read on below for certain details and pointers that can help you make the choice between the two.

One of the major differences between a store bought model and professionally installed one is in the features. A store bought model usually comes with limited features. It works for all basic navigation purposes. However, if you are a regular traveler and would like more functional features, you should go in for a professionally installed car navigation system. With excellent features such as traffic warnings, text to speech feature, speech recognition, speed warnings and others, these navigation systems guide you safely through unknown terrains.  Different models come with different features. You can check out some of the models online and obtain the best installation services from South San Francisco car navigator installation services in order to find ones that you find suitable for your requirements. These professional services ensure that the aesthetic appeal of your car is maintained while equipping it with latest state of the art accessories. You can also go in for iPod car installation. These are convenient while being highly functional.

In order to increase the functionality of car accessories and to increase the aesthetic appeal of the car, several accessories are integrated into one. You can have such systems installed by South San Fracisco car navigator installation centers. Navigation systems are integrated along with car alarm installation. Several car audio systems come with in-dash navigation systems. They are also integrated with car alarm installation. You can obtain high quality services at pacifica car audio installation centers.

When you are looking for a car navigation system with mire number of features, you have a couple of choices. You can either have another system installed or can use a mobile system. Here, ease of use comes into play. If you choose a mobile or portable car alarm system or car navigation system, you have to plug it in every time you use the car. Further, since it rests on the dash board, the chances are high that the system falls during uneven drives. Such mundane problems can be eliminated when you choose professional installation services. South San Francisco car navigator installation services ensure that the navigation systems of your choice are fixed in the manner you like and in the places that you want. So, they are very convenient. For all multi-purpose audio installation services, you can choose to have them installed in pacifica car audio installation centers.

Navigation systems, audio systems and car alarm systems are some of the basic requirements in a car. By choosing professional installation of these components in efficient South San Franciso car navigator installation centers or pacifica car audio installation centers, you can have all the components installed to perfection.

Professionally installed systems at South San Francisco car navigator or pacifica car audio installation centers give you the best performance. You can choose among the different kinds of car alarm installation and iPod car installation systems at

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Make your journey pleasant with a car audio installation!

Any car owner would want to have the best audio system in his car, but factory installed audio systems are not up to the mark and thus arises a need to change the old audio system. A car audio installation can be done either by a professional person or you can take the initiative in installing it.

If you are installing the car audio system, it is necessary to keep in mind that you are handling your expensive car as well as your costly audio system. Careless handling might harm your audio system as well as your car. A professional can do the custom car installation quickly and safely since a car audio system is not just a single unit, but comprises of a stereo, amplifiers, speakers, sub-woofers and other minor units.

Simple tips to install a car audio system

1.  It is generally assumed that a large stereo system can give better sound quality and clarity. While the truth is, size of audio system does not matter. Even a small but efficient car audio installation can give the best acoustic performance and hence it is advisable to purchase a system that best fits your car.

2.  Go through the instruction manual since each car model and speaker system differs from the other.

3.  Once you have zeroed down on the  audio system to be installed, next basic step  of car audio installation is connecting the receiver to the car through wiring. But, before beginning to connect these wires, turn off the negative battery to prevent short-circuits. Connect the battery according to the wiring diagram or go according to the color coding of wires.

4.  Decide on the number of speakers that need to be connected to the amplifier. Placing the speaker at the right place is of utmost importance. Make sure there is sufficient gap between two speakers depending upon the available car space.

5.  Function of speakers also depends on enclosures provided. Different types of enclosures produce different types of sound quality.

6.  An audio system cannot work without power. For this, you need the right amplifier. To produce maximum power output, use a high-grade wire connector and proper wire size. It is always better to purchase an amplifier with a heat-sink, as it absorbs the heat produced by the amplifier. If you are planning for multiple car stereo amplifiers, then go for an amplifier that has a pre-amp output. Another important point to be noted while purchasing the amplifier is its compatibility with the ratings of your sub-woofers and speakers.

7.  If you want to enhance the low notes of your music, then you need a sub-woofer. Right enclosure of sub-woofers provides the best effect.

You can enjoy your journey listening great music, and have a hassle free car audio installation experience by keeping all the aforementioned points in mind.

Other custom car installations:

The major reason behind installing a car alarm system is to keep your car safe from theft. Another benefit of car alarm installation is you got to pay lower insurance premium during car insurance policies.

Owing to its convenience and simplicity, south san francisco car navigator is becoming a necessity s. With a GPS in your car, you can reach any destination in an unknown territory at ease. Driving experience have been made safe, easy and enjoyable with these custom car installations.

A car audio installation by a professional can save your money and time.. If you want your car to stay away from theft, then it is always better to go for a car alarm installation. Also, make your travel convenient and hassle free by installing GPS car navigation system, Get all the services and accessories needed for a custom car installation at

Wednesday 25 April 2012

A Breezy Way for Car Stereo Installation

If you are a music lover, then a factory stereo system will not satisfy your music thirst. You might want to upgrade it or replace with a better one, and if you are hesitant about approaching a professional owing to cost, you might as well do a car stereo installation all by yourself.
Before starting with your car stereo installation, it is important to choose the right car stereo system that will be apt for your car. For installation, you need certain basic tools such as screwdrivers, socket wrench, wire cutters, wire strippers, electrical tape and wire ties.

Easy Installation steps

1.    Unfix the old factory stereo using the screw driver. First remove the front panel and then the second panel. Remove any screws or bolts that attach the radio to the car.

2.    The most important part while doing a car stereo installation is to disconnect the car’s negative battery and other power issuing cables to avoid any short-circuits.

3.    After unplugging, mounting the new stereo is the next part of installation. There are two types of mounting, ISO mounting and ring mounting. In an ISO mounting, the new system can be replaced smoothly into the previous radio brackets. Whereas, in a ring mounting, the whole bracket has to be altered using the kit, and the system has to be placed.

4.    Now, connect cables of the new stereo system.

5.    Your car audio installation is completed by re-connecting unplugged cables and the negative battery terminal.

Few tips during car audio installation

1.    Go through the instruction manual before you begin with the car audio installation.

2.    Connect the Yellow wire to the fuse box; dark blue wire to the power antenna, dark blue with white wire should be connected to the remote amplifier and while the orange one is to be connected to the wire with voltage to switch on the lights.

3.    If you want maximum effect of speakers, then make sure there are no gaps or holes while fixing new speakers to the old factory location.

4.    Find a suitable amplifier and fix it in the right place. Since amplifiers generate heat, it is better to fix it in a place where it can transmit its heat.

Doing the car audio installation all by yourself gives a kind of satisfaction.

Other accessories to install:

Install GPS navigation system to your car and make your travel safer, especially when traveling in an unknown territory. Installing GPS navigation gives you information about the position of the car and also gives you the best route to take while traveling.

Earlier, iPod car installation was a tedious task, but now it has become one of the easiest jobs to do. If you have the right signal transfer, a proper power supply and a car mount, you can securely install your iPod to your car. You can listen to your collection of songs while driving.

A car stereo installation needs careful handling as it might harm your system and your car, if mishandled. Custom installations like car audio installation, GPS navigation, car TV installation and iPod car installation can give the best output only if they are installed in the right way. All parts that are required for these installations are available at

Sunday 15 April 2012

Car Subwoofers Installation Revised

Car subwoofers installation is one major job in a car’s stereo system. Car sub woofers are especially meant to enhance the low tone notes of music into highly exceptional beats and clarity. Generally, car sub woofers do not come along with the stereo system of a car. It has to be purchased by considering your music taste and the amount of space available for your sub woofer in the car.

Car subwoofers installation is not a daunting task as long as you have some basic idea about how to install them. But if you do not have the basic knowledge or any prior experience in subwoofers or music system installation, it may become complicated process and in turn damage your system. If you lack the confidence to install it, rather seek professional help, who can do it much quickly and safely for you.

Tips on Car Subwoofer Installation

•  Some basic tools you should keep handy are materials like amplifier, electrical tape or glue, wires, wire cutters and stripper, screwdrivers, panel removal, drill and flash light along with your subwoofer.

•  Prior to doing the installation, make sure the battery is disconnected.

•  Enclosure plays an important role in car subwoofers installation. If you want the best sound effect, then it is advisable to enclose them in a sealed box.

•  Enclosing sub woofers in a ported or a band pass enclosure can give you high volume.

•  Placing your subwoofer at the rear end of the vehicle in free air can give more bass for music lovers.

•  Test the crossover point of your subwoofer by setting the low-pass crossover of the amplifier to 100HZ and watch the    movement of subwoofers.

•  Check if there is distortion in the subwoofer volume output.

•  It is always better to go through the user manual that comes along with the device. They can be life savers at many times.

Some basics -Car speaker installation:

•  When it comes to car speaker installation, the point to be remembered is to discard the detrimental sound connections.

•  Car speaker enclosures can protect your speakers from dust and can also provide the expected sound.

•  Car speaker installation requires other car accessories to make it complete and perform fully.

•  The most important part of car accessories is the car speaker installation kit.

•  Each car has different installation style depending on the speaker locations. If the installation is not proper, it does    not only spoil the sound quality but can also damage the system. A professional installation can save your time and    provide a safe installation.

•  A proper installation of speakers can give an enriched driving experience. 

Handy information on Car alarm installation:

The only way to ensure that your car is parked safely is by fixing a car alarm. Car alarm installation is one biggest challenge faced by the people trying to do it themselves. It is important to make sure that car alarms are integrated with the central locking system of the cars. Most of the car alarms function wireless with built in plug and sockets. If you want to be on the safe side, it is better to install the alarm with the help of a professional, since insurance companies do not recognize car alarm installation by owners.

Not only car subwoofers installation, but also other car stereo installations like car speaker installation, car alarm installation can be done by self. If doubtful about installation, a professional person can save your system and time. All car accessories are available at

Monday 9 April 2012

GPS Navigation – How the System Functions?

Global Positioning System, GPS in short, is a satellite assisted navigation system providing location and time information anywhere on the Earth. GPS navigation is possible only when the GPS system installed in the vehicle has unobstructed line of sight to a minimum of four GPS satellites in the space. The facility is maintained by US government and is free of cost.

The position of the vehicle fitted with GPS is accurately calculated by the signals sent by the GPS satellites. Each of these satellites independently transmits signals continuously about the time the message was sent and the position of the satellite at the time the message was transmitted. In turn, with the help of Trilateration or any other suitable algorithm, the receiver determines the exact location of the vehicle by considering the time elapsed in transit coupled with the satellites' location. The location is displayed on a digital display device.

There are three major segments in the GPS, of which two are controlled by US Air Force -the space segment and the control segment; while the third one is the user segment. The space segment consists of twenty four to thirty two satellites. The control segment consists of a master control station, monitor stations and several dedicated antennas. The user segment is the GPS navigation device. The positioning is so accurate that depending on the model of GPS used, the deviation will not be more than twelve yards. Accurate synchronization of the atomic clocks in the GPS system is responsible for its precision of the system.

A GPS has additional features like maps in human readable format, provides suggested directions to drivers through text or speech, providing information of traffic conditions coupled with suggesting alternate routes.

While GPS assists drivers with information about location and direction, a car security system makes sure the car is not stolen or damaged. Present day high end cars are factory fitted with these security features. This may be a simple alarm sound when unauthorised persons try to open the car door or it may be an immobilizer where the car engine will not start when an unauthorised person uses the ignition key. Even keyless remote entry has been made possible where in the car security system recognizes the approach of the authorised person near the car and allows the person to open the door; otherwise the door will not open.

When it comes to in car entertainment, the best is an audio system. If the person has the expertise car audio installation can be done without any professional help. For this one should have the basic knowledge of connecting and positioning of the speakers with associated wiring. There are many websites that give step by step instructions on how to proceed with car audio installation and car alarm installation.

One of the best portable audio systems is the iPod. One can integrate iPod with the car's audio system. iPod car installation requires some amount of technical expertise and if one is not confident then it is best left to a professional. There are kits available in the market to assist one with iPod car installation.

A car's GPS navigation system helps drivers find direction while driving. In car entertainment requires car audio installation at the minimum. Advanced entertainment requires iPod car installation so that one can listen to music uninterrupted. When it comes to passenger entertainment, a car TV installation is an essential accessory. All car accessories are available at

Sunday 8 April 2012

Car Alarm Installation – Professional Job or DIY?

If you are planning to install a car alarm system, the obvious question that crops up in the mind is whether to do it yourself or get professional help? Whoever is doing it, one thing to be ensured is that the new alarm system should integrate with the car's central locking system which already exists. This is because the remote control has to synchronize activation and deactivation of the alarm with that of central locking. Most of the latest model cars have built in plugs and sockets for accommodating the alarm system. One simply has to plug in the alarm unit without bothering about the cumbersome manual wiring.

Another point one has to consider is the compactness of the alarm unit, because in small cars there is space crunch. A slightly expensive system where the alarm and the associated electronic unit are bundled into one will be of much help and worthwhile too. The wiring of an alarm unit with integrated immobilizer is a bit complicated. The fuel pump, ignition and starter motor circuits are to be connected to the alarm-immobilizer unit. In such cases the installation is best left to a professional.

Insurance companies generally do not recognize alarm systems installed by owners themselves. In such cases it is best to go for approved installers to avail of the insurance benefits. On the other hand, if one does not require the insurance benefit, then DIY installation is a good option. In the US there are many approved car alarm system installers, whose services can be availed over the internet.

Accessories for the car

There are many accessories available that enhance driving pleasure. One such accessory is the audio system. There are many audio systems that are available in the market, but Kenwood car audio system stands out above the rest. There are many models to choose from depending on the budget of the purchaser. As Kenwood car audio system comes with installation manual, one can install the system following the DIY instructions or hand over the job to a professional.

If one possesses an expensive car, then the first choice of car accessory is the car navigation system. These systems help to reach the destination without any outside assistance. The system gets signals about the exact location from satellites and displays the information on a display unit mounted on the dashboard. In an unknown territory the GPS car navigation system is a boon to drivers.

For some enthusiasts, irrespective of the difficulties encountered, it is a challenge to do things on their own. Custom car alarm installation, be it installing an audio system or a cumbersome alarm with immobilizer unit installation, they love to do it themselves. For such geeks, help is available aplenty over the internet as "do it yourself" instructions. By following these step-by-step instructions the job of custom car installation is made easy. But at times, one wrong electrical connection can damage the expensive accessory and hence it is better to get the help of a professional for installing these car accessories

An electronic geek will be interested in installing the car alarm system all by himself. Even an amateur can install Kenwood car audio system, as the instruction manual gives all the information. The same goes with car navigation system also. Installation of all these gadgets on a DIY basis amounts to Custom car installation. All car accessories are available at

Monday 12 March 2012

Looking for the best iPod car stereos? Look no further.

There is something about these iPods; they just keep on getting better with every passing second. There was a time when the world got hooked on to iPods and now you can literally hook these iPods to your car stereo to enjoy some great mixes on the go.

We are fortunate to belong the era of constant technology innovations and development, the extensive availability of a wide array of car accessories that can conveniently aid in iPod cars installations is just an example. Ask any audio literate person and he’d tell you that great audio output does not depend upon the format of the song or the input so much as it does on the stereos. Car stereos are what can really make or break the mood, certain stereos, with great speakers and amplifier connector belt out such great music that you feel like pulsating in your driver’s seat but watch that road too! When iPod car installation is done on these high quality stereos you can be assured of a musical sojourn.

With the gigantic leaps and bounds in technology, today there are some stereos that give full access to control the iPod through the stereo display and most of these are touch sensitive. So the driver can now have full control over the playback, volume or search control without having to hassle with the device. What’s more is that these devices further offer gps navigation on the screen making commuting facile and easy. Gps navigation has become an indispensable part of our lives and one would rather have it on the stereo than going through the headache of checking through the phone every now and then

Once you get the necessary iPod kit, you will then have to perform the iPod car installation; this might be a little tricky for those who are not good with adapters and cables. Most of the iPod kit does come along with an installation guide. Apart from correctly installing the iPod car stereo kit make sure you make provision to keep it secure and opt for some sort of a car security system.

One major consideration is to be aware of what type of car stereo do you originally have installed in the car. Now, if the stereo is an older model that might not support iPod installation, the sound quality that is emitted might not be that good or it might require a lot of handling. If at all you are going aiming to revamp the entire stereo set, then that will be a much better option and would promise a way better experience. It is recommended to purchase the products from an authentic and reliable source as a lot of fake retailers can trick you into buying poor quality products that are just a waste of money.

Talking about reliability? Motor music has been catering to all car related music requirements since 40 years now. Whether you are looking for iPod car installation, gps navigation, car audio installation or even car TV installation, then you can bank upon them for all such needs.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Here’s how to do a Custom Pioneer Audio Install

A lot of so called professional use technological jargon to make you believe that installing a pioneer car audio system can only be done by them. This is nothing but a way to cough up money from the customers who get intimidated by the hypothetical complexity of the process. Here are a few tips on how to do a custom pioneer audio install even if you are not familiar with the basic techniques.

So the first thing that you would require is a plan of action, a number of websites offer extensive explanation and guidance on how to do a custom pioneer audio install. These guidelines are put down by the very experts of the field and are hence reliable. So once you get hold of the guideline or the instruction manual, assess what all tools and equipments would you require. One might need a crimping or soldering equipment too, get the basic idea of the different equipments required and then proceed towards fixing the system. Keep the instruction manual handy with you so that you can easily figure out where did you go wrong if at all you do go wrong.

Talking about car audio system, the best one available today will be the Kenwood audio system. With its vast range of speakers, amplifiers and stereo system, one can actually enjoy good quality music on the go. The Kenwood audio system is again very easy to install and it does not take a lot of effort and time.

A car must have a car alarm system that will immediately alert the owner in case on is trying to burgle into the car. Car alarm systems have become a regular affair now and almost every car comes either pre installed or the system is installed later. Installing the car alarm system is extremely easy as the required wires and cables are given along with an instruction manual that aids in installing the alarm efficiently.

So if you are inching towards a custom car installation, which is obviously the in thing these days, then here are a few handy tips for you. Fiberglass is highly opted for owing to its adaptability as a number of installers can create magic with this and add to the fiberglass a myriad of colors and paint and you a custom car installation that is beyond the ordinary. Neon is another favorite for those who do not find it too flashy and it the custom deigns could really add charm and when Plexiglas is used on the subwoofer, it can further help in protecting the enclosure of the subwoofer.

If you are looking for the best custom car installation, then opt for Motor Music as they believe in providing the best installation to their customers. For other requirements pertaining to car alarm installation, car navigation system, car stereo, etc too they can offer great assistance and authenticated products that are of the highest possible quality. They can efficiently back that claim with a list of satisfied and happy clientele.

Monday 27 February 2012

The All in One Info System for Your Car

If you have purchased a new car and are thinking about having a nice complete customized control system for your car such as a great audio system, GPS and a car security system, the best you can do is to get a complete package, which consists of everything from music, GPS, reverse parking camera to car security system.  The new age systems are a complete technological hub because these systems are made such that all the facilities are integrated into one unit.

There are many manufacturers who offer integrated car security system that are reliable, efficient, save space and are cost effective. Traditionally, you have a head unit for audio, a GPS device, a separate car security system and other functional units in the car. The problem with such products is that they take up lots of useable space of your car dashboard and are expensive as well. Car security systems are of various types depending on your budget and car type.

Major unit manufacturers these days include a LCD screen so that you can use it as a GPS device as well as for reverse parking. The advantage here being that you get all the extra features in the audio head unit and there is no need for added systems. Your car audio installation should be done along with the GPS and car security system so that they can be properly connected to each other.

Basic installation of car audio system consists of the head unit, speakers, rear speakers, amplifier and subwoofer. During the audio installation, a lot of precaution should be taken because if wires are left hanging, they might cause damage to the entire system in the car. Additionally, if a car security system has been fit previously, don’t mix or cut any wires of the two security system. This might cause damage and will ultimately stop working.

GPS navigation is very important nowadays because not knowing the way or treading the wrong path can be a problem when you off on long drives. GPS can be fitted in any car audio or car security system because the screen can be used as a reference map. Many car audio manufacturers have come up with models which have GPS by default; hence the screen of the head unit can also be used for searching road routes.

Another useful feature is an IPod integration with your car audio system unit via the auxiliary or USB port which is present on the head unit. Your car security system should also include engine immobilizer, siren, gear lock and cameras. The immobilizer is used to immobilize the engine of the car in case it has been broken into.  Car security system is very important because of the increase in the number of thefts reported worldwide. Car security system provides a high degree of security to your car.

Latest audio systems come with USB and aux modes by which iPod integration with the system is possible. You can get a combined GPS Navigation with an audio system for better functionality. Car TV Installation and car audio installation require good precision work so better get it done from a known dealer or audio setup outlet. is where you get the latest reliable car audio, security and navigation systems.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Car Alarm System – Give You Car A Comprehensive Protection

A Car alarm system is one of the various ways by which you can keep your car safe from miscreants. The working mechanism of a Car alarm system is such that if anybody tries to touch your car or open the doors by unlawful means, the alarm starts out loud, thus alerting you to take proper action. A Car alarm system is one of the basic security facilities every car must have. A LED or a vibration sensor input has to be put up across the car which is connected to the alarm main unit. As the sensor gets the vibrations, a trigger is sent to the Car alarm system which starts the alarm. The number of sensors depends on the maker of the car model. In case of aftermarket products, the owner can get varying number of sensors depending on the kind of customization he wants.

Nowadays Car alarm system can be also connected to various other systems of the car such as audio systems or cameras which shoots a video on the alarm and helps you identify the culprit. Kenwood Car Audio is a range of car audio system which includes the head unit, speakers, navigation devices, subwoofers and amplifiers. They offer the best sound quality along with being very reliable. They also offer navigation systems such as onscreen GPS which can be used in cars as reference maps. If you are ever lost on the way, worry not, as this GPS device will surely bring you back on track. Kenwood has range of car navigation systems which can also be integrated with your car audio system to save space and money.

You can also add more good looks to your car through custom car installation. This involves paint job, modification to the chassis, tires up gradation, audio system up gradation, engine up gradation and aftermarket car alarm system to renew the security of your car. Here you can also install a different car alarm system depending on your car type. Car alarm system does come by default with some cars but majority of them don’t have this mechanism. So, you can either get it installed at your local dealer or an aftermarket shop. The advantage with aftermarket shop is that you have a variety of brands along with many models to choose from.

Nowadays, all the control systems of your car can be integrated into common info system whereby you can control all aspects of your car such as security, GPS and sony car audio daly city system. A Car alarm system can be really helpful if you ever have to park or take your car to a place that is known for unscrupulous activities. Car alarm system has another major added benefit. Your car insurance costs you less if your car is well protected with features such as effective navigation systems, alarm systems and other safety features.

There are a number of websites where you can purchase good car security systems. Several of them offer branded goods at discounted prices. So, perform a quick search and get your goods for affordable rates.

A car stereo is best when fitted with good speakers and subwoofers. Car alarm installation is a delicate process and should be done from reputed dealers. For all your GPS needs a car navigation system is the best choice. Custom car installation is best done at aftermarket dealer who will provide you with an array of aftermarket products. is the one stop solution for all your needs.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Jazz Up your Car with Custom Car Installations

A custom car installation can jazz up your car and revamp the old look to an updated one by installing customized car audio system, car navigation system and car alarm installation too !

An upgraded car stereo installation can help you enjoy drives better with clearer, better and louder sound of high quality. Many leading brands are providing customized car audio systems, but what is important is to also learn all the do’s and don’ts of installing the same.

Though there are many websites that teaches us how to install the customized car audio system but to understand the installation process you have to explore the system and customize it in the way such that it’s apt to the model of the car. Websites help you gather the relevant information required for the installation of car audio system even when there are videos which are posted to help you in understanding the process. Commonly installation of the car audio system is done by professionals but with basic knowledge and proper guidance anyone can install it in their car. Incorrect installation may cost you a lot more in the long run. When going for a car navigation system or car alarm installation for lesser cost from unreliable sources could mean paying double the amount. As what matters in custom car installations is functionality, failing which a replacement is the only option left.

Before installation of the custom car audio system you should keep certain things in your mind. You should be well aware about the tools that would be required for the installation.

•  The system shouldn’t be installed near engine lights as it may damage the product.

•  The negative (-) battery cable should be disconnected owing to safety reasons.

•  When going for fresh car stereo installation, plan out the placement of woofers and amplifiers well in advance so as to maximize the utility of available space in a way that sound output quality does not deter. 

•  Always prefer branded products owing to better durability and better quality.

•  Be specific about the domains and features you propose to invest in.

•  There are many manuals and guides available in market especially written for the people who want to install audio system in their car. Apart from installing the custom car audio system in your vehicle these manuals also give a detail analysis of preferable brands and how to maintain the system in future. The costs of these manuals are not very high and are easily comprehendible.

•  Though installing the system by your own is a time consuming process yet intriguing procedure but if you are not good in with technical basics you can look at the option of hiring professionals for the same. As small mistakes from your end could be more costly than professional’s fees.

If you wish to refurbish your old  car to a new luxurious updated one, you can avail car alarm installation, car stereo installation, car navigation system, custom car installation services from “Motor Music Car Stereo” are leaders in innovative, updated and trendy customized installations to revamp and transform your automobile to a contemporary one

That can easily fit in your budget.

Monday 30 January 2012


Modification services for cars are available to people nowadays in the context of entertainment, security, convenience and many more factors. People want to enjoy their journey while travelling with their cars to different places filling their journey with entertainment and at the same time in convenience and luxury. Sony car audio and Kenwood car audio devices are two of the most popular international names in the market of car audio system technology. Different audio devices are available for different models of cars which have their own model of music system and the products are chosen accordingly. Sony car audio devices are available in different ranges in economical range like that of Kenwood car audio devices.

Listening to music and watching videos inside car while travelling can bring entertainment to the people travelling which is why they try to ensure the best quality audio devices within their budget. Kenwood car audio devices such as woofers for profound music, CD and DVD players are commonly installed by people in their cars for their renowned quality as of Sony car audio devices. Radio receivers are also bought by people for receiving radio signals which are available by many companies including Sony car audio. Digital media players, radio frequency receivers, CD/CVD players also having socket for connecting pen drives and playing music files contained in it, woofers, speakers and many more are audio products including those Kenwood car audio products. People may travel to different places where the routes are unknown to them. They may face problems of getting lost of proper tracks and places giving rise to many inconveniences. Global positioning system (GPS) is a car navigation system developed for guiding people with directions of route to a specific location. Car navigation system using GPS for cars is well known to locate the location of any car showing them on the map on a screen with every other route and their names on the map. Without the GPS navigation people would require to stop at different places to ask for directions to a specific location. If directions given prove to be wrong it may result in wastage of time and inconvenience as well. GPS aiding car navigation systems helps by directing the driver with correct direction and the driver can see their position on the map shown on the screen. Modifications are helpful in many aspects which can bring about safety, comfort and luxury for people travelling in their cars without any tensions caused by inconveniences which may be faced due to the lack technology in cars.

Many people prefer to install the devices and equipments for their car’s modification on their own. Custom car alarm installation may be dangerous if not guided by the manufacturer of the device/product. Generally guidelines are provided against every product relating to instructions which aid custom car installation by guiding on how to install the product stepwise. People can nowadays be tension free with the introduction of these technologies and products for their car which helps in improving safety and security, entertainment as well as can guide people for car navigation system, custom car installation of equipments.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Car Modifications For Convenience and Luxury

People want their journey to be entertaining as well as luxurious for which they always tend to modify and upgrade their cars which lack luxurious features or convenience. Technology advancement has resulted in the derivation of many feature and devices for adding lavishness, entertainment and convenience to one’s car. Car audio installation is one of the modification services available to modify audio devices in cars to enhance music experience of which alpine car audio system is one of the famous systems adopted by people.

Different audio equipments are suited to different models of cars based on compatibility which car audio installation services are fully aware of and they recommend the best available audio device for a specific model of any car. Speakers, woofers and music systems are the main features which are dealed by car audio installation services across the globe which are also available from various companies like alpine car audio. Different types of cars such as sedans, coupes, SUVs’, and many more have a system of audio model designed specifically for them. “Car audio installation guide” can help people with information guiding them to install apt and upgraded music systems for their cars.

Besides audio, another factor which is the security issue for cars is also a major factor concerning people nowadays owing to the increase in crime rates in almost every part of the world. Thieves can lock pick any car in a matter of seconds which demands increase in security to avoid such loss. Car security systems are available to ensure security of any car from being robbed. Unless appropriate and upgraded security measures are installed in your car, no matter what the price tag attached to it, it does not have an upgraded factory installed car security systems to counter against professional automobile thieves, as they are easy to crack. Security alarms are most widely used form of car security systems which ensures that an alarm be played when the car is touched by any intruder. These alarm system can be controlled using buttons for off/on functions. Alarms are the most used car security systems and are also popular across the world. People can also travel to regions where they are new with their cars and the routes of which are unknown to them. This kind of situation can lead to loss of proper track and can bring about unwanted situations. GPS navigation is one of the remarkable technologies invented by researcher’s which provides the convenience of locating one’s location in the map sitting inside a car. GPS stands for global positioning system and the main function of GPS navigation system is to tell the user about the location of the car and also guide them through routes.

Due to technological improvements in the formation of GPS navigation systems it is handy for location identification, car security systems for ensuring security for one’s car from being robbed. Alpine provides music devices for Alpine car audio installation for an enjoyable ride, it relieves people of tension and helps them enjoy their life.

Monday 9 January 2012

Entertainment and Elegance with Car TV installation

Enjoy rear seat luxury, comfort and benefit by Car TV Installation. This not so expensive new advanced technology flourishing the market of electronic gadget sector has already formed the base for a refurbished elegant and luxurious feel. It is a full form of entertainment for long drives and defines class by Car TV Installation.
For making the cars a complete experience of lavishness plush new technologies are being introduced every day, be it the upgraded car security system, better car audio installation, more effective and functional gps navigation or innovative car TV Installations¸ the sector is writing headlines each moment. Cars are being aimed to be redefined and more complete with customized installations.

There are many varieties of digital car TV’s available in the market. All you need to do is choose the type of car TV that is best suited for your car. Though the Car TV installation is not a very easy task as installing the device in a wrong way may not give you the desired result in terms of clarity and quality of entertainment you wish to enjoy. It is a comprehensive process that requires you to be good with electrical work and in depth knowledge of wiring schematics apart from investing sufficient amount of time to avoid faulty installations.

While installing the device in your car you should make sure that the TV which you have selected for your car is a branded one with frame so that it could give you the maximum clarity, decent warranty and quality entertainment experience. A quality car audio installation is also a in order to get remarkable amusement.

It is a new method of entertainment where you can refresh yourself while travelling for meetings and utilizing your every minute of the day in a better manner. Now travelling by car for short trips, long drives or multiple meetings will no more be a boring task, you can make absolute utilization of the time by getting refreshed when travelling around. It could be one of the most significant, stylish and stunning accessories of your car that will definitely make your ride pleasurable and you proud with the kind of elegance it denotes.

The device and technology of car TV installation, gps navigation systems installation is new to the market but it is growing at a rapid pace catering to a strong and large consumer base committing to the product by each passing day. It is small in size and loaded with many features adding perfection to your entertainment. The device is easily available in electronic showrooms and can also be bought through online means. Now there are many online dealers who are supplying the product to a whole range of market giving you the preference of selecting the models, the color, brand, price range, availability and many more things. So if you want to make your drive an exciting, entertaining and enlivened one then you invest in car TV’s without another blink or second thoughts in mind.

To avail yourself best prices clubbed with innovative technology you could visit They are leaders in the market with more than 40 years of expertise in the field of car accessories and installations. “Motor Music Car Stereo” are the best if you wish to avail any of the latest car accessories and gadgets including technologies like car security system, car audio installation, gps navigation or car TV Installations.